
Is Your 20000mAh Power Bank Allowed on the Plane? Understanding IATA Guidelines and Airline Policies

Published:2023-04-10 23:07:27 Author:Green WCND Views:26

Can I bring 20000mAh power bank on plane?

Is Your 20000mAh Power Bank Allowed on the Plane? Understanding IATA Guidelines and Airline Policies

Portable electronic devices have become an essential part of our daily lives, whether it is for personal use or business. However, the downside of these devices is that they require a battery source to function, and that battery source can quickly become depleted. A solution to this is the use of power banks, which are portable rechargeable battery packs that can be used to charge electronic devices while on the go. However, the question arises, can you bring a 20000mAh power bank on a plane?

Is Your 20000mAh Power Bank Allowed on the Plane? Understanding IATA Guidelines and Airline Policies

Before answering the question, it is essential to understand the regulations regarding electronic devices on planes. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) regulates and sets guidelines on the use of electronic devices on planes. The guidelines are set in place to ensure the safety of passengers and crew during the flight.

The guidelines state that power banks can be carried in hand luggage or on the person with a capacity of less than 100Wh (Watt-hour) and not more than two spares batteries of the same capacity. A 20000mAh power bank usually has a power capacity of 74Wh, which is lower than the maximum allowed capacity. Therefore, it is safe to carry a 20000mAh power bank in hand luggage or on the person.

However, it is essential to note that airlines have different policies regarding the use and carriage of electronic devices on planes. Therefore, it is advisable to check with the airline on their policies regarding the carriage of power banks on planes. Some airlines may prohibit the use of power banks during the flight, while others may only allow the use of power banks with a specific power capacity.

Furthermore, it is advisable to ensure that the power bank is charged before the flight and placed in separate compartments from any other electronic devices. This is to ensure that the power bank is easily visible during security checks at the airport, and in case of any issues, it can be quickly identified.

In conclusion, a 20000mAh power bank can be carried on a plane as long as its power capacity does not exceed 100Wh, which is the maximum allowed under IATA guidelines. However, it is still essential to check with the airline on their policies regarding the carriage of power banks on planes. It is also advisable to ensure that the power bank is charged before the flight and can be easily identifiable during security checks.

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